我可是说话算话的。。 堂主的文章总是写得那么清淡给人一种想脱离世俗的感觉 呵呵,今天是3号了 和尚本就是方外中人嘛,不脱俗就说明尘缘未尽啊 我知道3号啦
但还是来看过了 呵呵,心一下子明亮起来 Where is your heart?(心香何处)
hiding something you never mention.(未及心语深藏)
How to say love will be forever?(怎诉永恒之爱)
I just feel so much happyness and sadness.(我如此快乐和悲伤)
When you think of me naturally(忆我之时)
and never doubt me.(从不将我疑)
You will know the deepth of love.(你知爱之深)
You will feel the sweet of love.(你感爱之味)" 好象看过了哦
那就顶上去 和尚不喜欢为了顶而顶,跟灌水没啥两样