写点关于你们难忘的爱情什么的。 没谈过。。。。。。。。。。。。。。qq012 爱情。。等下。我发上来。现在忙,先留个位置 懒虫喜喜,很懒吗??qq003
全部都写上一篇往事回忆啊 往事不堪回首。。。 自己多不先写.狡猾的狐狸..qq023 原帖由 风暴熊 于 2008-10-29 09:29 发表 http://0576qq.com/images/common/back.gif懒虫喜喜,很懒吗??qq003
我已经在思考了 呵呵 原帖由 金三角 于 2008-10-29 13:30 发表 http://www.0576qq.com/images/common/back.gif往事不堪回首。。。
说来听听。。。。。。。。。。。。。 恩。听。。听。。
等我回想啊 你们有了的话可以先标上来吗 我一片空白。。。。。。。。。。。。。。qq021 你们先说 我==也把我曾经疯狂的爱情史 呈上.qq0231
不可能的啊 只要你是人 都会有点难忘的回忆的啊 朋友 You seem to understand the first time in April, my work is going in Shilipu, at the end of the group, chatting. We are all on the 20th! Good Qiao ah. Xianzhaopan you from the day, I still do not know who you are then. Second, you take pictures from it, I have not washed well, but you brought Strawberry, Kazakhstan. Benben's also bought five bottles of mineral water to wash Strawberry said., and use of so much water? Third, it is over with photos, this has brought loquat, I am not very fond of eating. Later on not eating threw. Benben men. Fourth, and it is purely up to see me, Kazakhstan, and said that he bought a dog it. I said with a smile to the 27-year-old fortune-telling marriage, you said you to wait five years. Do you want me? Fifth, it is in the road and bridge, it rained the world, small metaphor of a phone call, saying to me, I can be certain that you know, took a small Yu Avatar. She also told us to shoot two?. . I do not. . .